Essex County Symbol Chelmsford Street Pastors A Chelmsford Symbol
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Welcome to the Chelmsford Street Pastors
Established in 2008, Chelmsford Street Pastors were a familiar sight on the Chelmsford weekend nightlife scene. We were acknowledged as a force for good, not only by pubbers and clubbers, but also by the police, CCTV authorities and pub/club owners. Local authorities have commented that since the scheme started there has been a significant drop in the level of anti-social behaviour on Friday and Saturday evenings in Chelmsford. This is borne out by the awards and accolades the city has received in recent years (see below).

Now 15 years, on the need has changed and also been addressed in different ways. The individuals have got older and a decision has been made to close Chelmsford Street Pastors.
Chelmsford Street Pastors thank all involved for the support they have received, whether encouragements whilst out, whether financial, whether in training, whether in going out, in prayer or in other ways. Thank you.